A Quantitative Look at Video Marketing in the Digital Age

Capturing someone’s interest as they scroll through your website or social media feed can is subjective. No matter how much time or resources you pour into your marketing campaign, a slew of factors seem beyond your control: the number of competitors in the marketplace is continually in flux; you can only anticipate the specific needs of your target audience to a point; and any viewer has the ever-present ability to press “pause” or open another tab in the middle watching your video. Still yet, the statistics behind the powerful draw of online videos confirm that allocating a budget for personalized content is a worthy investment, despite all of these variables.

The results of a survey conducted from over 600 respondents in December 2018 indicated that 68 percent of people preferred learning about a product through a video over options such as “text based articles, infographics…and ebooks and manuals,” all of which ranged from earning a mere three to fifteen percent preference rate among respondents. After all, it was engaging video content that inspired the vocabulary for and phenomenon of what it means to become “viral,” which simply wasn’t possible with only text-based advertising media. According to Animoto’s “State of Social Video Report”, similarly based on hundreds of surveyed responses from online marketers, 88 percent of respondents were satisfied with the ROI (Return on Investment) on their social media-based video content. Of course, satisfaction with an ROI on company-specific content can be measured differently—along metrics anywhere between increased web traffic and gaining new clients.

Whether you’re seeking to create motion graphic, animated, or live-action content, the goal is to engage and to educate. For internally circulated videos, “engagement” could mean fostering a cohesive company culture; for public video content, “engagement” might even be synonymous with “entertainment.” In both cases, education through video content—via the dissemination of information, story, or message—is intimately tied with engagement. Wyzowl found that 72 percent of people “would rather use video to learn about a product or service” for scenarios in which “both video and text are available on the same page.” Videos also boast higher rates of “sticking power”—that is, the power to leave audiences with a call to action once they’ve absorbed your message for the first time. For instance, Forbes found a staggering difference between viewers’ recall rates after watching a promotional video (95 percent) versus reading text (10 percent). Pairing videos with precise captioning, however, can be useful to yield better results on search-engine keyword searches.

Investing in commercial production services for your company can feel like taking a leap of faith: will a video really boost buzz around my products? How can I be sure that this is the most long-term effective way to budget my resources? Ultimately, we can turn to facts that support the success of well-curated, digital-age video content to rest assured that investing in video content is a positive step towards your company’s future.

 “90+ Video Marketing Statistics For 2019 (New Data).” Wyzowl.