Building a B2B Marketing Strategy With Video

The aim of any marketing strategy is to spark conversions, which look different for every brand. A conversion might include buying a product, sharing contact information or requesting a quote. The actions that lead people to one are known as the marketing funnel.

What does a B2B marketing strategy with video look like? It can include a number of steps, starting from the very general to the very specific. For example, say you sell bulk candy to retailers on your website. Your funnel might involve the following steps:

  • Someone visits your website.
  • They click on the jellybeans page.
  • They browse the product listing.
  • They add the product to their cart.
  • They go to checkout and purchase the product.

The funnel begins with awareness. Someone finds out about your website through a marketing campaign. It progresses to interest, a slightly narrower category — they find a product they like and view available information about it. The funnel then becomes skinny — they evaluate your product. Finally, the result is a commitment and sale.

How can video fit into your B2B sales and marketing funnel? Here’s an in-depth look at what it entails.

Going Beyond Broad-Concept Videos

Most video marketing is fairly high-level. That is, it offers generalized explanations for a wide audience. It’s designed to teach people who know nothing about your product the important features and benefits of buying it. The video will connect with a broad group of people, and it may push them to check out your offers. This type of video works best for B2C companies, whose products are sold directly to consumers. There’s often less technical knowledge required for these purchases, and customers don’t expect the deeper explanations often needed to sell a B2B product.

For example, if you sell computer software to businesses, the people buying will likely be information technology experts with a sophisticated understanding of your product. You want your video to speak to them directly about how purchasing your product will make their job easier. You can include elements like industry jargon because the audience will understand it. The more specific your video gets about the product, the easier it will be to make a sale in a B2B arena.

Creating Content for the Top of the Funnel

Some of your video content should be aimed at informing people about your services and providing assistance to your audience rather than doing the hard sell. This content makes up the top of the funnel, where you reach a broader swath of people. Ideas might include:

  • Video excerpts from a recent webinar, edited to focus on one topic
  • How-to explainers, such as troubleshooting a common issue among your business customers
  • A focus on company culture and events, such as a recent food drive or party

These videos make up the top of your content funnel. They’ll draw in viewers who want to learn more about your company, but they won’t make any sort of hard sell. Instead, they’ll provide an overview of what you have available, which can be a valuable way to introduce your brand to potential customers while also helping them learn.

Narrowing the Funnel: Justifying Your Products

The top of the funnel includes just about anyone interested in your product. The next step is to create even more specialized video content, which will speak directly to the needs of your audience. You want to make a case for why your products are the best and why visitors should buy them. However, you don’t want your video marketing to turn into a traditional commercial, so you’ll need to exhibit more creativity.

This step puts a more narrow focus on exactly why your products are effective. A few great ways to show their quality include:

  • Customer testimonials: You build trust when other people sing your praises.
  • Product demos: People like being able to see how your product works before they purchase it.
  • Integration: Highlight your product working hand-in-hand with other industry solutions, showing how seamlessly it can be integrated into a business.

By making a case for your product, you can push your potential customer further down the funnel. Consider adding a function here to collect information from your audience that will allow you to follow up and contact them. These people are far enough down the funnel that they have real interest in what you sell, and they may be interested in opting in to hear more about your services.

End-of-Funnel Video Content

The final stage of the funnel is where you connect with the people most likely to buy your product. Whereas you may have started with an audience of 100 people, by the time you reach this point, that number may be down to five. The content you produce here should aim to make conversions. It should be highly targeted and sophisticated enough that the typical consumer might find it confusing or uninteresting.

Examples might include:

  • Instructional videos: Do a deep dive into a subject that plagues many of your customers, such as a new product they may not have tried yet.
  • Campaign videos: Run a campaign focused on a single topic, and post the videos every Monday.
  • Repurposed FAQs: Is there a question that pops up over and over among your B2B clients? Walk them through the answer by expounding on an earlier FAQ.

Whichever method you choose, include a CTA inviting the viewer to make whatever conversion you desire, such as purchasing your product or signing up for a newsletter. Congratulations! Your video funnel worked.

Creating Video Content for B2Bs

Now you understand the most effective ways to build a B2B marketing strategy that results in sales or other conversions. Keep your aims in mind the entire time you create your video content to ensure you stay on target. And reach out for assistance if you need it. PixelFish can advise you on how to set up an effective, smart video funnel for your B2B company. Get in touch today to receive a free quote on your next project.