2019 New Year’s Resolution: Add Video Marketing to Your Budget

video marketing

It’s a new year, which means a new you and a fresh marketing budget. If you aren’t including video marketing as a key part of your outreach efforts, it’s time to rethink that decision and embrace the multi-faceted power of quality marketing and engagement videos. Your clients want videos, and they can further your marketing efforts in a number of ways. Here’s a look at just a few of the reasons you need video marketing.

video marketing

People Go Online to See Videos

Cisco has predicted that video traffic will account for 80% of total consumer internet usage in 2019. Even if internet users aren’t looking for your video, they go to the internet for videos, which makes them more likely to watch and engage with videos because it’s a medium that appeals to them. On Facebook alone, consumers watch 8 billion videos per day.

Consumers Share Videos

Over half of all consumers (55%) watch videos online every day. But once you snag a viewer with a compelling online video, the effect doesn’t end there. Nearly all (92%) viewers share videos with others. If your brand puts out a compelling video as part of your marketing efforts, it’s likely to be seen more than once. Stunningly, social video generates 12 times more shares than text and images added together.

Videos Are a Critical Part of the Buyer’s Journey

Consumers don’t just watch videos because they’re fun and interesting. They watch videos with the hopes of getting more information about a product, a service, or a process. Videos are an incredibly important part of the buyer’s journey. About 90% of consumers say that videos help them make decisions, and if a consumer can watch a video on your landing page, your conversion rates increase by 80% on average. That nearly doubles the chance that viewers are going to take a step such as sharing an email address, putting in an order, or converting to a qualified lead or client in another way. In emails, videos are even more powerful, and they increase conversion rates by two to three times.

Approximately 64% of people say that they are more likely to buy a product if they can watch a video about it online. This video marketing rule even applies to business-to-business buyers. When making a buying decision, 59% of executives say that they prefer watching videos over reading texts. To reach these buyers, the top three most effective videos are customer testimonials, tutorials, and demonstrations.


As an award-winning video production company, we work with everyone from small businesses to large companies. We pride ourselves with seeing our happy clients satisfied with our work, who then send many referrals and become repeat customers themselves. Whether you specialize in solar panels, vacuums, kitchen appliances, or countless other niches, we know how to handle your video marketing! Contact us for a consultation today.