What’s Next for Video Marketing in 2018?

Video marketing is no longer an internet outlier. Many businesses now use video marketing in their advertising mix, and that number will grow in 2018.

Part of the reason is simply better technology. Video no longer glitches, and you can do so much more with it than just play preroll ads that air before YouTube videos. Video ads appear on just about any site, and they can take many forms. Your business should prepare to hop on the hottest ideas to stay relevant. Here are our video marketing predictions for next year.

More Live Video

Your Facebook feed is constantly telling you your friends are “going live.” This trend has begun to hit video ads, too. Starbucks, a pioneer in new ways of doing things, recently started experimenting with live video, and it drew a positive reaction.

Companies can do things such as:

  • Stream live from a conference
  • Unveil a prize winner
  • Film live from a big event, like the Super Bowl

Like so many things related to advertising, the possibilities for using live video on social media in 2018 are limited only by your imagination.

A Renewed Interest in Virtual Reality

We’ve been hearing that virtual reality is the next big thing on the web for years, and it hasn’t really happened. But it may be the next frontier in terms of video predictions.

Imagine letting your customers “walk” down your aisles or “tour” a new addition to your property. With virtual reality, they can. While VR can be a pricey investment, companies such as Heineken have used it with success. What’s more, when you try out an innovative strategy like this, you gain extra attention from the media, which will highlight your pioneering project.

Huge Social Media Influence

Social media trends will likely inform what you see gaining popularity in 2018. Keeping an eye on Twitter and Facebook trends is certainly a must for any business. But so is watching for what’s happening on Instagram and even Reddit, which has slowly become one of the nation’s most popular social networks. In fact, Reddit is such a trendsetter, you may want to look at its members’ video habits first to see what’s coming down the pike for video marketing.

The 360-Degree View

It’s no longer sufficient to present a video from one perspective. Today’s consumer has become used to 360-degree views with their videos, allowing them to soak up the entirety of a scene. You can offer a look at your showroom or simply capture a beautiful day. Whatever you choose to film, be sure to grab it from all angles.

Get Ready for 2018 With Your Own Video Marketing Campaign

Whether you have been dabbling in video marketing for years or you’re ready to attempt your first try, PixelFish can help. Get in touch to discuss your video marketing needs for the new year.