Video Production for the Financial Industry & Banks

web video production

Video production helps the financial industry and banks develop brand awareness and it also provides convenient tools to streamline the internal processes for your sales team. These videos are ideal for emails and other client communications to answer frequently asked questions in an easily digestible and entertaining format. When you work with PixelFish, you get an expert video partner to help you with all your video marketing needs. From creative, to scripting and casting, production to post-production, we’re your trusted video partner every step of the way.

PixelFish | Bank of Hawaii | FRLO

Bank of Hawaii Heloc.

Building Your Brand Message Through Video

To tell a complete story, many banks and financial institutions use a series of videos. Although each video may discuss an individual topic, they all can be created in the same style to maintain a cohesive brand voice and messaging throughout the series. We also offer a discount when you purchase a series of 5 or more videos. This is a popular choice for many of our clients.

Online Video vs TV

Television ads have dropped from 33.9% of all ad spending in 2017 to 31.6% in 2018. This is expected to drop another 4.3% in 2019, but receive an uptick in 2020 due to the presidential election and Summer Olympics in Tokyo. In contrast, digital advertising is expected to grow 18.3% in 2019.

Whether on television or the web, the most successful video production projects are ones with Direct Response since companies are able to gauge performance with a specific action, such as taking advantage of a promotion.

The Web Video Production Process

At PixelFish, we’re a full-service web video production company. When we start working with a new client, we’ll sit down and have a discussion about what your goals and budget are, what style of video you like, and if you have any other collateral pieces we can draw inspiration from. Then, we’ll come up with 3 ideas and present them to you. Once an idea is approved, we’re off to scripting and casting or the animation studio, depending on the project. During the production phase, we create all the elements we’ll need to piece together a stunning video such as dialogue, animation, music, and transitions. In post-production, we put it all together to finalize the video.

What Makes a Video Spectacular?

To create a video that really resonates with your audience, it’s important to capture the audience’s interest within the first 10 seconds. Audience attention spans are getting shorter and shorter so you need to hook them quickly to make an impact. Also, be sure to include a call to action at the end such as a special offer or other incentive that encourages them to interact with your brand.

Why People Love PixelFish

We get a lot of referral business from happy customers when they move to their next job or company. When someone is working with us for the first time, they appreciate our creative ideas, competitive pricing, and streamlined process. In fact, we often hear clients tell us they love us because we’re easy to work with! If you’d like to hear more, read our testimonials!

Talk to Us!

We’d love to work with you on your next web video production project! Give us a call at 888-308-2009 to discuss your budget and ideas, and we’ll start brainstorming the perfect video to take your financial institution to the next level!