Direct Response (DRTV)

Direct response television (DRTV) refers to TV ads that encourage customers to contact the company directly. This type of video marketing can include short ads with a call to action as well as long-form infomercials. If you’re thinking about expanding your marketing activities to include direct response television, you should check out the following tips and benefits.


DRTV Ads Have Evolved

In the past, grainy commercials with a business’s number flashing at the bottom of the screen seemed to be the most common DRTV ads. But over the years, this style of video marketing has evolved. To reach consumers, DRTV needs to be engaging and smart. It needs to be well shot, visually attractive, with a narrative that sticks with the consumer. For best results, you should work with DRTV companies that understand how to make great videos.


DRTV Needs to Encourage Fast, Efficient Call to Action

To be effective, these ads need to encourage consumers to make fast, efficient decisions. They need to grab the attention of the viewer, show them how the product or service solves their problem, and convince them to take action immediately. In the past, DRTV was all about getting customers to call a number and, when working with major brands, we formerly used to use promo codes on the screen to track results. Although some ads still encourage this, others drive consumers to the website to make a purchase, sign up for a free trial, or take another action. This allows businesses to track where their consumers are most likely to engage, encouraging smarter budgeting for marketing allocation.


DRTV Makes a Splash Without Cannibalizing Your Other Marketing

With DRTV, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the unique benefits of TV advertising, by speaking directly to the consumer and making a strong connection. While you can tie this type of marketing with your other branding and advertising efforts, you also don’t have to worry about it cannibalizing them. Direct response television coordinates with other marketing efforts, while also standing on its own.


DRTV Lets You Explain Your Product or Services

A lot of advertising and marketing is about branding. You’re selling consumers the concepts or stories behind your business. Although that is important, it is also time consuming and expensive. For a relatively modest price, DRTV goes beyond branding and offers you the ability to truly explain your product or service to your customers. You can show how your product works, present before and after photos, answer the questions that clients ask the most, and really do a deep dive into your offerings. That isn’t available through most other marketing channels, which underscores the importance of adding direct response television to your marketing mix.


To learn more about DRTV, contact us directly. At PixelFish, we are an award-winning video production company and video marketing expert. We work with big corporations and small independent businesses alike. Reach out to us today so we can discuss your goals.