Best Digital Marketing Solutions for B2B Companies

While B2C and B2B marketing still require separate approaches, they’re becoming more similar than you think. As consumers influence the way we market to them, businesses have to adapt, too. While online marketing best practices constantly change all the time, we can give you an idea of what can work for you in the present. Read on to learn about some of the best digital marketing solutions for bringing in B2B customers.

Visual Content Marketing

Visual content like videos and images have usually fallen under the domain of B2C marketing, but B2B businesses have begun to join in on the fun. With an Internet full of plain text, more and more folks are looking for eye-catching and engaging content. B2B marketers don’t have to worry as much about visual content as B2C consumers do, but it could soon rise to the same level of importance.

Social Media Marketing

Just like with visual content, B2B businesses have started to implement more social media into their marketing strategies. The number of marketers who reported significant ROI from social media marketing grew by 30 percent between 2015 and 2016, and that number is bound to grow even more. Think of social media like an online networking event — it lets you get in touch with potential consumers who you couldn’t contact otherwise.

Influencer Marketing

With the rise of social media marketing comes influencer marketing, in which businesses connect with popular users to promote their brand. While we can apply influence marketing solutions to real life as well, both B2C and B2B companies tend to focus on social media influencers. After all, connecting with a potential advocate is a few clicks away.

Tying it All Together With Video

A common tool used for all three of these digital marketing solutions is online video. With video becoming more popular than ever, it could soon change marketing as we know it. While you may think that only consumers prefer video, consider the following statistics from Forbes on senior executives and video:

  • The majority of senior executives — fewer than 80 percent — watch more videos than they did the year before.
  • More than half of senior executives share videos with their coworkers at least once a week.
  • 65 percent of senior executives have visited a business’ website after watching a video.

The report that this data comes from also suggests that younger executives are even more likely to engage with video content, meaning that video works throughout the business corporate ladder. Business executives are also consumers to an extent, so why wouldn’t they react to video, too?

Get the Ball Rolling

If your business doesn’t have any online video in its marketing content, you’re missing out on a key advantage that many other companies have. Start your video content strategy today by contacting us..