Do Your Clients Hear You?

Seven Marketing Tips

Key marketing tips when planning your content marketing and video advertising online.

In this Attention Economy, everything is vying for attention so how do you know if your clients hear you? Between all the demands of everyday life, do your clients hear you?

Here are 7 tips you can adopt for your brand to be heard amidst the modern din.


First and foremost, create an open dialogue with all departments to determine your company goals. Your organization should understand what you’re trying to achieve when you try to get clients’ attention. It’s also in clarifying your goals that you can determine suitable ways of getting heard.

Tip 2 – ENGAGE

Before you open your company’s marketing mouth, listen first before you seek to be heard. Tune in to your clients’ problems, complaints, and concerns. Make your customer service department your ears. Make it more than just your Damage Control Center. It can also be your Idea Generator based on insights you get from complaining customers. You can also make it your Complaining-Customer-to-Raving-Fan Converter by listening to their concerns and addressing them in a way that they can’t stop talking about it to their friends.

It’s in listening to their needs and concerns that you understand them. When you’ve gathered this insight, make sure your company goals align with your client’s needs. 


Know your client’s behavior & where they are spending time online. No matter how much effort you pour into your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Tiktok accounts, if your clients aren’t there, they won’t hear you. So channel your inner Sherlock and investigate. Check out Facebook for pages and groups your clients could possibly belong to. Check out the discussions on Reddit, Youtube, and other platforms. This will depend on their age, industry, interests, and their demographics. So do your research.


Did you know consistency is one of the seven psychological persuasion triggers? Nothing can be more confusing than inconsistency. Let’s say you start an email marketing campaign. And your email sending schedule isn’t consistent, this inconsistency can cause your subscribers to lose interest. Or they may disengage or forget about you if you email weekly the first month, then hear from you 3 months later.

Consistent branding and messaging are also key to etch your brand in the minds of your target market. . .  Whether in your website, your videos, or your social media accounts. 

Let’s take Coca-Cola, one of the classic brands, as an example. For decades, red has always been its color. Never did the marketers of Coke suddenly decide to make their logo yellow. So that when people think of Coke, they always associate it with that bold color. 

Although there may be times when brands decide to change colors or logo designs, or even names. Or in Coke’s case, the formulation of their drink (and look what happened). We know it as rebranding. But take note that these companies take the painstaking effort to let the world know they’re rebranding. And if the rebranding is a success, they stay consistent with the new branding elements.

Tip 5 – CREATE

Content is one of the vital assets of digital brands, whether in the form of blog posts, podcasts, videos, emails, or other sorts. Videos are popular among brands because they’re attention-grabbing, engaging (although this may depend on how a video is created), and a vital communication tool when explaining complex ideas, products, or processes. Organizations also invest in videos to tell their story, feature their customer’s stories, and how their product has helped them. They use videos to provide useful information to customers and to advertise their products and services.

When creating all or any of these, don’t forget what we said about consistency. Produce content that is consistent across all marketing platforms.

Tip 6 – TARGET

Before creating all the content we mentioned above, make sure that they are relevant to your target market. Because no matter how awesome your content is, if the messaging doesn’t resonate with your target market, they will not engage. Or worse, they will stop consuming your content. 

Use targeted campaigns that cater to your target demographic. When doing this, keep tips # 1 to 4 in mind. 

To make your content even more relevant, segment your market according to their behaviors. This way you can feed them content more appropriate to them. These behaviors could be where they stay longer on your website, what links they click on your website or emails, the products or services they’ve purchased from you, etc.

Tip 7 – TRACK

“What gets measured gets managed.” 

That’s according to management consultant Peter Drucker. And I’d say, “Amen” to that. So stay up to date on the performance of your marketing efforts and be prepared to make adjustments accordingly.

Businesses today are lucky, thanks to all the tracking tools and statistics made available to them . . . Open rates, click-to-open rates, click-through rates . . . You name it, they’re tracking it. 

We hope you were all ears (or “all eyes”) to our 7 tips on getting heard by your clients. If you want to both be seen and heard (literally!) by your target market, we can help you by creating videos to convey whatever message you want to put across your customers. To discuss further what we can do for you, simply click this link to contact us. And we’d be happy to help you plot a video marketing strategy fit for your business.